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U.S. Code

Rule 10. Docket

(a) Maintenance of docket. The Clerk shall maintain:
(1) a regular docket for cases subject to mandatory review, petitions to review convictions or sentences affirmed by a Court of Criminal Appeals, and certificates for review of final decisions in a Court of Criminal Appeals;
(2) a miscellaneous docket for petitions for grant of review and certificates for review of decisions by a Court of Criminal Appeals on appeal by the United States under Article 62, UCMJ, 10 USC § 862 (1983), petitions for extraordinary relief, writ appeal petitions, and certificates for review of decisions on application for extraordinary relief in a Court of Criminal Appeals; and
(3) a special docket of the matters arising under Rule 15 concerning complaints of unprofessional conduct against a member of the Bar of this Court, and petitions and other correspondence that are not docketed on another docket, and that are returned to the sender.
The receipt of all pleadings or other papers filed, and any action by the Court relative to a case, will be entered in the appropriate docket. Entries in each docket will show the date, the nature of each pleading or other paper filed, and the substance of any action by the Court. From time to time, the Clerk shall, under the general direction of the Court, determine the appropriate manner for keeping and preserving the dockets.
(b) Docket number. In a mandatory review case, a docket number will be assigned upon receipt of the record from the Judge Advocate General. In all other cases, a docket number will be assigned upon receipt of the initial pleading. All pleadings or other papers subsequently filed in the case will bear the assigned docket number.
(c) Notice of docketing. The Clerk shall notify the appropriate Judge Advocate General and all parties of the receipt and docketing of a case and the docket number assigned. In the case of a petition for extraordinary relief, the Clerk shall also notify all named respondents of the petition’s receipt and docketing.
(d) Entry of judgment. The Clerk shall prepare, sign, date and enter the judgment immediately upon the filing of the opinion of the Court. If a judgment is rendered without an opinion, the Clerk shall prepare, sign, date and enter such judgment in an order following instruction from the Court. The Clerk shall, on the date a judgment is entered, distribute to all parties and the Judge Advocate General of the service in which the case arose a copy of the judgment and opinion, if any, or of the order if no opinion was written. See Rule 43.