No contract executed under this subchapter or any interest therein shall be sold, assigned, or transferred, either directly or indirectly, or through any reorganization, merger, or consolidation, nor shall any agreement or arrangement be made by the holder whereby the maintenance, management, or operation of the service, route, line, vessel, or vessels is to be performed by any other person, without the written consent of the Secretary of Transportation. If he consents to such agreement or arrangement, the agreement or arrangement shall make provision whereby the person undertaking such maintenance, management, or operation agrees to be bound by all of the provisions of the contract and of this chapter applicable thereto, and the rules and regulations prescribed pursuant to this chapter. If the holder of any such contract shall voluntarily sell such contract or any interest therein, or make such assignment, transfer, agreement, or arrangement whereby the maintenance, management, or operation of the service, route, line, vessel, or vessels is to be performed by any other person, without the consent of the Secretary of Transportation, or if the operation of the service, route, line, or vessel, shall pass out of the direct control of the holder of such contract by reason of any voluntary or involuntary receivership or bankruptcy proceedings, the Secretary of Transportation shall have the right to modify or rescind such contract, without further liability thereon by the United States, and is vested with exclusive jurisdiction to determine the purposes for which any payments made by him under such contract shall be expended.