§ 231a. Budgeting for procurement of aircraft for the Navy and Air Force: annual plan and certification
Annual Aircraft Procurement Plan and Certification.—
The Secretary of Defense shall include with the defense budget materials for each fiscal year—
a plan for the procurement of the aircraft specified in subsection (b) for the Department of the Navy and the Department of the Air Force developed in accordance with this section; and
a certification by the Secretary that both the budget for such fiscal year and the future-years defense program submitted to Congress in relation to such budget under section
221 of this title provide for funding of the procurement of aircraft at a level that is sufficient for the procurement of the aircraft provided for in the plan under paragraph (1) on the schedule provided in the plan.
Covered Aircraft.—
The aircraft specified in this subsection are the aircraft as follows:
Strategic lift aircraft.
Intratheater lift aircraft.
Intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance aircraft.
Any other major support aircraft designated by the Secretary of Defense for purposes of this section.
Annual Aircraft Procurement Plan.—
The annual aircraft procurement plan developed for a fiscal year for purposes of subsection (a)(1) should be designed so that the aviation force provided for under the plan is capable of supporting the national security strategy of the United States as set forth in the most recent national security strategy report of the President under section 108 of the National Security Act of 1947 (50 U.S.C. 404a), except that, if at the time the plan is submitted with the defense budget materials for that fiscal year, a national security strategy report required under such section
108 has not been submitted to Congress as required by paragraph (2) or paragraph (3), if applicable, of subsection (a) of such section, then the plan should be designed so that the aviation force provided for under the plan is capable of supporting the aviation force structure recommended in the report of the most recent Quadrennial Defense Review.
Each annual aircraft procurement plan shall include the following:
A detailed program for the procurement of the aircraft specified in subsection (b) for each of the Department of the Navy and the Department of the Air Force over the next 30 fiscal years.
A description of the necessary aviation force structure to meet the requirements of the national security strategy of the United States or the most recent Quadrennial Defense Review, whichever is applicable under paragraph (1).
The estimated levels of annual funding necessary to carry out the program, together with a discussion of the procurement strategies on which such estimated levels of annual funding are based.
An assessment by the Secretary of Defense of the extent to which the combined aircraft forces of the Department of the Navy and the Department of the Air Force meet the national security requirements of the United States.
Assessment When Aircraft Procurement Budget Is Insufficient To Meet Applicable Requirements.—
If the budget for a fiscal year provides for funding of the procurement of aircraft for either the Department of the Navy or the Department of the Air Force at a level that is not sufficient to sustain the aviation force structure specified in the aircraft procurement plan for such Department for that fiscal year under subsection (a), the Secretary shall include with the defense budget materials for that fiscal year an assessment that describes and discusses the risks associated with the reduced force structure of aircraft that will result from funding aircraft procurement at such level. Such assessment shall be coordinated in advance with the commanders of the combatant commands.
In this section:
The term “budget”, with respect to a fiscal year, means the budget for that fiscal year that is submitted to Congress by the President under section
(a) of title
The term “defense budget materials”, with respect to a fiscal year, means the materials submitted to Congress by the Secretary of Defense in support of the budget for that fiscal year.
The term “Quadrennial Defense Review” means the review of the defense programs and policies of the United States that is carried out every 4 years under section
118 of this title.