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U.S. Code

§ 430g-7. Conservation within Gettysburg Battlefield historic district

(a) Encouragement of conservation
The Secretary shall take appropriate action to encourage conservation of the historic district by landowners, local governments, organizations, and businesses.
(b) Prioritization of grants
Within the historic district, the Secretary shall give priority in making grants under section 101 (d),[1] and in providing technical assistance, information, and advice under section 101(h),[1] of the National Historic Preservation Act (16 U.S.C. 470a (d), (h)) to those programs and activities in the historic district that will assure development and use of natural and cultural resources in a manner that is consistent with the conservation and maintenance of the district’s historic character.
(c) Provision of technical assistance
The Secretary may provide technical assistance to assist local governments in cooperative efforts which complement the values of the park and the historic district and to help landowners prepare individual property plans which meet landowner and conservation objectives in the historic district.
(d) Reimbursement of planning costs
The Secretary, under such terms and conditions as the Secretary may prescribe and at the request of any local or county government within the historic district, shall provide matching reimbursements for up to 50 percent of the planning costs incurred by such government in the development of comprehensive plans and land use guidelines which are consistent with conserving the historic character of the historic district. Reimbursements may only be provided under this subsection to the extent or in such amounts as are provided in appropriation Acts.
(e) Acceptance of easement donations
The Secretary, upon recommendation from the Director of the National Park Service, in consultation with the Advisory Commission established under section 430g–8 of this title, is authorized to accept donations of conservation easements on land located within the historic district.
(f) Federal consistency
(1) Any Federal or federally assisted activity or undertaking in the historic district, shall be consistent to the maximum extent possible with the purposes of the preservation of the historic district, including its rural, agricultural, and town elements, and shall also comply with the National Historic Preservation Act [16 U.S.C. 470 et seq.] and other applicable laws.
(2) The head of any Federal agency (hereafter in this subsection referred to as the “agency”) having direct or indirect jurisdiction over a proposed Federal or federally assisted undertaking in the historic district, and the head of any Federal agency having authority to license or permit any undertaking in such area, shall at the earliest feasible date prepare a detailed analysis of any proposed action and submit it to the Secretary.
(3) The Secretary shall review the analysis and consult with the agency. If after such review and consultation, the Secretary finds that the proposed action is not consistent with the purposes identified in this subsection, the agency shall not proceed with the action until after a justification for the action has been submitted to the appropriate committees of Congress with adequate time allowed for Congressional comment. Such justification shall include the following elements: the anticipated effects on the historic and commemorative character of the historic district, the social and economic necessity for the proposed action, all possible alternatives to the proposed action, the comparative benefits of proposed alternative actions, and the mitigation measures outlined in the proposed action.

[1] See References in Text note below.