Within the boundaries of the portion of the recreation area under his jurisdiction and outside such boundaries when required for the construction or improvement of access roads thereto, each Secretary is authorized to acquire lands, waters, or other property, or any interest therein, in such manner, including exchange as hereinafter provided, as he considers to be in the public interest to carry out the purposes of this subchapter. In connection with any such acquisition, each Secretary may permit the grantor a reservation of all or any part of the minerals or of any other interest or right of use in such lands or waters on such terms and conditions as the Secretary may deem appropriate. Any property or interest therein owned by the State of California or any political subdivision thereof within the recreation area may be acquired under the authority of this subchapter only with the concurrence of the owner. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any Federal property located within the recreation area may, with the concurrence of the agency having custody thereof, be transferred without consideration to the administrative jurisdiction of the appropriate Secretary for use by him in carrying out the purposes of this subchapter.
The Secretary of the Interior, in order to assure public access to Clear Creek and to provide hiking and horseback riding trails for the public, may, as he deems necessary for these purposes acquire such easements or other interests on either or both sides of Clear Creek between the south boundary of the Whiskeytown unit and the highway at Igo, California.
The Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to acquire scenic easements or such other interests, including ownership of the land therein, as he determines to be appropriate to protect and assure the appearance of a strip of land not to exceed six hundred and sixty feet on each side of the centerline of Federal Aid Secondary Highway Numbered 1089 between the points where said highway crosses the south line of sections
19 and
20, township 35 north, range 8 west, and where it crosses the south line of section
18, township 36 north, range 7 west, on the northwesterly side of the Clair Engle-Lewiston unit: Provided, That such easements or interests shall not be acquired without the consent of the owners so long as the appropriate local zoning agency shall have in force and applicable to such property a duly adopted, valid, zoning ordinance that, in the judgment of the Secretary of Agriculture, conforms to the zoning standards set forth in regulations issued pursuant to subsection (e) of this section.
The two Secretaries shall engage in mutual consultation with respect to such acquisition and to exchange transactions so as to promote uniform policies therefor insofar as practicable, taking into consideration the purposes of the recreation area as a whole, the responsibility of the Secretary of the Interior for the administration of federally owned minerals and of the Central Valley project, and the responsibility of the Secretary of Agriculture for the administration of national forests.