The Secretary of the Interior is authorized to acquire, by purchase when purchaseable at prices deemed by him reasonable—otherwise by condemnation under the provisions of section
3113 of title
40, on behalf of the United States under any fund or moneys available for such purpose, on July 9, 1937, except from the general fund of the Treasury, any of the following-described lands in the State of California now in private ownership, to wit: Section
25, lots 3, 4, 5, 8, and 9, section
34, northeast quarter, southeast quarter of the northwest quarter, lots 1 to 10, inclusive, section
35, section
36, township 1 south, range 19 east; southeast quarter northwest quarter, east half southwest quarter, southeast quarter, lots 2, 3, and 4, section
30, section
31, township 1 south, range 20 east; sections
2, and
3, east half section
10, sections
11 and
12, north half section
14, northeast quarter section
15, township 2 south, range 19 east; southeast quarter northwest quarter, east half southwest quarter, lots 3 to 7, inclusive, section
6, township 2 south, range 20 east, Mount Diablo meridian.
When title to the aforesaid privately owned lands has been vested in the United States, all of the lands described in this section shall be added to and become a part of the Yosemite National Park and shall be subject to all laws and regulations applicable thereto: Provided, That nothing in this section or section
47f of this title shall be construed to affect any valid existing rights.