The portion of the Hot Springs Mountain Reservation in the State of Arkansas situated and lying within boundaries defined as follows, “commencing at stone monument numbered 7, set upon the west line of Reserve Avenue and marking the boundary line of Hot Springs Mountain, and running thence in a northwesterly direction to a point upon the south line of Fountain Street to a stone monument numbered 42 and marking the boundary line of Hot Springs Mountain; thence along the south line of Fountain Street to its intersection with Central Avenue or to stone monument numbered 33; thence south along the east line of Central Avenue to where the same is intersected by Reserve Avenue at stone monument numbered 30; thence along the north boundary line of Reserve Avenue to stone monument numbered 7, the point of commencement; all in township 2 south, range 19 west, in the county of Garland and State of Arkansas, and also block 82, being a part of the permanent United States Hot Springs National Park”, or within such boundaries as may be defined hereafter, shall be under the sole and exclusive jurisdiction of the United States, and all laws applicable to places under such sole and exclusive jurisdiction shall have full force and effect therein. Nothing in this section and sections
373 and
374 of this title shall be so construed as to forbid the service within said boundaries of any civil or criminal process of any court having jurisdiction in the State of Arkansas. All fugitives from justice taking refuge within said boundaries shall, on due application to the executive of said State, whose warrant may lawfully run within said territory for said purpose, be subject to the laws which apply to fugitives from justice found in the State of Arkansas. Said sections shall not be so construed as to interfere with the right to tax all structures and other property in private ownership within the boundaries above described, accorded to the State of Arkansas by section
365 of this title.