The President of the United States is authorized, upon the recommendation of the Secretary of the Interior, and with respect to lands located in a national forest upon the joint recommendation of the Secretaries of the Interior and of Agriculture, to add to the Rocky Mountain National Park, in the State of Colorado, by Executive proclamation any or all of the following-described lands, to wit:
5 and
6, township 3 north, range 75 west.
All of section
3 except the northeast quarter northeast quarter; all of section
4; north half, north half southeast quarter, southwest quarter southeast quarter section
5; north half, northwest quarter southwest quarter section
9; north half, northeast quarter southwest quarter, southeast quarter section
10; northeast quarter, north half southeast quarter section
15, in township 4 north, range 73 west.
North half, southwest quarter, northwest quarter southeast quarter section
17; south half southwest quarter, southwest quarter southeast quarter section
20; south half northeast quarter, southeast quarter northwest quarter, south half section
28; all of section
29 except northeast quarter northeast quarter; east half section
32; all of section
33; southwest quarter northeast quarter, northwest quarter northwest quarter, south half northwest quarter, southwest quarter, west half southeast quarter, southeast quarter southeast quarter section
34, in township 5 north, range 73 west.
All of sections
7, and
18; that portion of section
19 lying outside of park boundary, in township 5 north, range 75 west.
All of sections
23, and
24; those portions of sections
3 and
10 lying east of the Continental Divide; that portion of section
15 lying east of the Continental Divide and on the eastern slope of Mount Nimbus; and that portion of section
22 lying on the eastern slope of Baker Mountain, in township 5 north, range 76 west.
All of sections
30, and
31; that portion of section
20 lying outside of the park boundary and south of the boundary line between Larimer and Grand Counties; that part of sections
17 and
18 lying south of the boundary line between Larimer and Grand Counties and the Continental Divide and that part of section
29 lying outside the park boundary, in township 6 north, range 75 west.
All of sections
35, and
36; those portions of sections
27, and
34 lying east of the Continental Divide, in township 6 north, range 76 west; and all the lands added to said park pursuant hereto are made subject to all laws, rules, and regulations applicable to and in force in the Rocky Mountain National Park.