From and after October 1, 1978, funds available to the Library of Congress may be expended to reimburse the Department of State for medical services rendered to employees of the Library of Congress stationed abroad and for contracting on behalf of and hiring alien employees for the Library of Congress under compensation plans comparable to those authorized by section 444 of the Foreign Service Act of 1946, as amended (
22 U.S.C.
(a)), for purchase or hire of passenger motor vehicles; for payment of travel, storage and transportation of household goods, and transportation and per diem expenses for families enroute (not to exceed twenty-four); for benefits comparable to those payable under sections 911(9), 911(11), and 941 of the Foreign Service Act of 1946, as amended (
22 U.S.C.
(11), and
1156, respectively); and travel benefits comparable with those which are now or hereafter may be granted single employees of the Agency for International Development, including single Foreign Service personnel assigned to A.I.D. projects, by the Administrator of the Agency for International Development—or his designee—under the authority of section
(b) of title
22; subject to such rules and regulations as may be issued by the Librarian of Congress.