In general
After September 30, 2003, and not later than March 31, 2004, there shall be a capital distribution of the balance of the student loan fund established under this part by each institution of higher education as follows:
The Secretary shall first be paid an amount which bears the same ratio to the balance in such fund at the close of September 30, 2003, as the total amount of the Federal capital contributions to such fund by the Secretary under this part bears to the sum of such Federal contributions and the institution’s capital contributions to such fund.
The remainder of such balance shall be paid to the institution.
Distribution of late collections
After October 1, 2012, each institution with which the Secretary has made an agreement under this part, shall pay to the Secretary the same proportionate share of amounts received by this institution after September 30, 2003, in payment of principal and interest on student loans made from the student loan fund established pursuant to such agreement (which amount shall be determined after deduction of any costs of litigation incurred in collection of the principal or interest on loans from the fund and not already reimbursed from the fund or from such payments of principal or interest), as was determined for the Secretary under subsection (a) of this section.