(a) Acquisition, retention, and disposition of property; research and education programs
For the purpose of carrying out sections
80k and
80l of this title, the Board may—
(1)purchase, accept, borrow, or otherwise acquire additional works of art or any other real or personal property for the Museum;
(2)preserve, maintain, restore, display, loan, transfer, store, or otherwise hold any property of whatsoever nature acquired pursuant to section
80k of this title or paragraph (1) of this subsection;
(3)conduct programs of research and education; and
(4)subject to any limitations otherwise expressly provided by law, and, in the case of any gift, subject to any applicable restrictions under the terms of such gift, sell, exchange, or otherwise dispose of any property of whatsoever nature acquired pursuant to the provisions of this subchapter: Provided, That the proceeds from the sale of any property acquired pursuant to section
80k of this title shall be designated for the benefit of the Museum.
(b) Recommendations of Commission
In carrying out the purposes of this subchapter, the Board shall consider the recommendations of the Commission established pursuant to section
80n of this title.