(1)To support local efforts to enhance the early language, literacy, and prereading development of preschool age children, particularly those from low-income families, through strategies and professional development that are based on scientifically based reading research.
(2)To provide preschool age children with cognitive learning opportunities in high-quality language and literature-rich environments, so that the children can attain the fundamental knowledge and skills necessary for optimal reading development in kindergarten and beyond.
(3)To demonstrate language and literacy activities based on scientifically based reading research that supports the age-appropriate development of—
(A)recognition, leading to automatic recognition, of letters of the alphabet;
(B)knowledge of letter sounds, the blending of sounds, and the use of increasingly complex vocabulary;
(C)an understanding that written language is composed of phonemes and letters each representing one or more speech sounds that in combination make up syllables, words, and sentences;
(D)spoken language, including vocabulary and oral comprehension abilities; and
(E)knowledge of the purposes and conventions of print.
(4)To use screening assessments to effectively identify preschool age children who may be at risk for reading failure.
(5)To integrate such scientific reading research-based instructional materials and literacy activities with existing programs of preschools, child care agencies and programs, Head Start centers, and family literacy services.
(b) Definitions
For purposes of this subpart:
(1) Eligible applicant
The term “eligible applicant” means—
(A)one or more local educational agencies that are eligible to receive a subgrant under subpart 1 of this part;
(B)one or more public or private organizations or agencies, acting on behalf of one or more programs that serve preschool age children (such as a program at a Head Start center, a child care program, or a family literacy program), which organizations or agencies shall be located in a community served by a local educational agency described in subparagraph (A); or
(C)one or more local educational agencies described in subparagraph (A) in collaboration with one or more organizations or agencies described in subparagraph (B).
(2) Scientifically based reading research
The term “scientifically based reading research” has the same meaning given to that term in section
6368 of this title.
(3) Screening reading assessment
The term “screening reading assessment” has the same meaning given to that term in section
6368 of this title.