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U.S. Code

§ 7271. Assistance for arts education

(a) Purposes
The purposes of this subpart are the following:
(1) To support systemic education reform by strengthening arts education as an integral part of the elementary school and secondary school curriculum.
(2) To help ensure that all students meet challenging State academic content standards and challenging State student academic achievement standards in the arts.
(3) To support the national effort to enable all students to demonstrate competence in the arts.
(b) Authority
The Secretary is authorized to make grants to, or enter into contracts or cooperative agreements with, eligible entities described in subsection (c) of this section.
(c) Eligible entities
The Secretary may make assistance available under subsection (b) of this section to each of the following eligible entities:
(1) State educational agencies.
(2) Local educational agencies.
(3) Institutions of higher education.
(4) Museums or other cultural institutions.
(5) Any other public or private agencies, institutions, or organizations.
(d) Use of funds
Assistance made available under this subpart may be used for any of the following:
(1) Research on arts education.
(2) Planning, developing, acquiring, expanding, improving, or disseminating information about model school-based arts education programs.
(3) The development of model State arts education assessments based on State academic achievement standards.
(4) The development and implementation of curriculum frameworks for arts education.
(5) The development of model inservice professional development programs for arts educators and other instructional staff.
(6) Supporting collaborative activities with Federal agencies or institutions involved in arts education, arts educators, and organizations representing the arts, including State and local arts agencies involved in arts education.
(7) Supporting model projects and programs in the performing arts for children and youth through arrangements made with the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.
(8) Supporting model projects and programs by Very Special Arts which assure the participation in mainstream settings in arts and education programs of individuals with disabilities.
(9) Supporting model projects and programs to integrate arts education into the regular elementary school and secondary school curriculum.
(10) Other activities that further the purposes of this subpart.
(e) Special rule
If the amount made available to the Secretary to carry out this subpart for any fiscal year is $15,000,000 or less, then such amount shall only be available to carry out the activities described in paragraphs (7) and (8) of subsection (d) of this section.
(f) Conditions
As conditions of receiving assistance made available under this subpart, the Secretary shall require each entity receiving such assistance—
(1) to coordinate, to the extent practicable, each project or program carried out with such assistance with appropriate activities of public or private cultural agencies, institutions, and organizations, including museums, arts education associations, libraries, and theaters; and
(2) to use such assistance only to supplement, and not to supplant, any other assistance or funds made available from non-Federal sources for the activities assisted under this subpart.
(g) Consultation
In carrying out this subpart, the Secretary shall consult with Federal agencies or institutions, arts educators (including professional arts education associations), and organizations representing the arts (including State and local arts agencies involved in arts education).