Transfer of unrestricted control
The Secretary is authorized and directed to transfer within four years from August 13, 1954, to each member of the tribe unrestricted control of funds or other personal property held in trust for such member by the United States.
Removal of restrictions on sales or encumbrances; fee simple title
All restrictions on the sale or encumbrance of trust or restricted interests in land, wherever located, owned by members of the tribe (including allottees, purchasers, heirs, and devisees, either adult or minor), and on trust or restricted interests in land within the Klamath Indian Reservation, regardless of ownership, are removed four years after August 13, 1954, and the patents or deeds under which titles are then held shall pass the titles in fee simple, subject to any valid encumbrances. The titles to all interests in trust or restricted land acquired by members of the tribe by devise or inheritance four years or more after August 13, 1954, shall vest in such members in fee simple, subject to any valid encumbrance.