When any mixed-blood member of the tribe has received his distributive share of the tribal assets distributed to the mixed-blood group under the provisions of section
677i of this title, whether such distribution is made in part or in whole to a corporation, partnership, or trusteeship in which he is interested, or otherwise, the Secretary is authorized and directed to immediately transfer to him unrestricted control of all other property held in trust for such mixed-blood member by the United States, and shall further remove all restrictions on the sale or encumbrance of trust or restricted property owned by such member of the tribe, and Federal supervision of such member and his property shall thereby be terminated, except as to his remaining interest in tribal property in the form of any unadjudicated or unliquidated claims against the United States, all gas, oil, and mineral rights of every kind, and all other tribal assets not susceptible to equitable and practicable distribution, all of which shall remain subject to the terms of this subchapter, notwithstanding anything contained herein to the contrary.