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U.S. Code

§ 1754. Mashantucket Pequot Settlement Fund

(a) Establishment and administration
There is hereby established in the United States Treasury an account to be known as the Mashantucket Pequot Settlement Fund (hereinafter referred to in this section as the “Fund”). The Fund shall be held in trust by the Secretary for the benefit of the Tribe and administered in accordance with this subchapter.
(b) Expenditure of Fund; private settlement lands; economic development plan; acquisition of land and natural resources
(1) The Secretary is authorized and directed to expend, at the request of the Tribe, the Fund together with any and all income accruing to such Fund in accordance with this subsection.
(2) Not less than $600,000 of the Fund shall be available until January 1, 1985, for the acquisition by the Secretary of private settlement lands. Subsequent to January 1, 1985, the Secretary shall determine whether and to what extent an amount less than $600,000 has been expended to acquire private settlement lands and shall make that amount available to the Tribe to be used in accordance with the economic development plan approved pursuant to paragraph (3).
(A) The Secretary shall disburse all or part of the Fund together with any and all income accruing to such Fund (excepting the amount reserved in paragraph (2)) according to a plan to promote the economic development of the Tribe.
(B) The Tribe shall submit an economic development plan to the Secretary and the Secretary shall approve such plan within sixty days of its submission if he finds that it is reasonably related to the economic development of the Tribe. If the Secretary does not approve such plan, he shall, at the time of his decision, set forth in writing and with particularity, the reasons for his disapproval.
(C) The Secretary may not agree to terms which provide for the investment of the Fund in a manner inconsistent with section 162a of this title, unless the Tribe first submits a specific waiver of liability on the part of the United States for any loss which may result from such an investment.
(D) The Tribe may, with the approval of the Secretary, alter the economic development plan subject to the conditions set forth in subparagraph (B).
(4) Under no circumstances shall any part of the Fund be distributed to any member of the Tribe unless pursuant to the economic development plan approved by the Secretary under paragraph (3).
(5) As the Fund or any portion thereof is disbursed by the Secretary in accordance with this section, the United States shall have no further trust responsibility to the Tribe or its members with respect to the sums paid, any subsequent expenditures of these sums, or any property other than private settlement lands or services purchased with these sums.
(6) Until the Tribe has submitted and the Secretary has approved the terms of the use of the Fund, the Secretary shall fix the terms for the administration of the portion of the Fund as to which there is no agreement.
(7) Lands or natural resources acquired under this subsection which are located within the settlement lands shall be held in trust by the United States for the benefit of the Tribe.
(8) Land or natural resources acquired under this subsection which are located outside of the settlement lands shall be held in fee by the Mashantucket Pequot Tribe, and the United States shall have no further trust responsibility with respect to such land and natural resources. Such land and natural resources shall not be subject to any restriction against alienation under the laws of the United States.
(9) Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 3113 and 3114 (a) to (d) of title 40, the Secretary may acquire land or natural resources under this section from the ostensible owner of the land or natural resources only if the Secretary and the ostensible owner of the land or natural resources have agreed upon the identity of the land or natural resources to be sold and upon the purchase price and other terms of sale. Subject to the agreement required by the preceding sentence, the Secretary may institute condemnation proceedings in order to perfect title, satisfactory to the Attorney General, in the United States and condemn interests adverse to the ostensible owner.
(c) Transfer of private settlement land as involuntary conversion
For the purpose of subtitle A of title 26, any transfer of private settlement lands to which subsection (b) of this section applies shall be deemed to be an involuntary conversion within the meaning of section 1033 of title 26.
(d) Documentation of relinquishment of tribal claims
The Secretary may not expend on behalf of the Tribe any sums deposited in the Fund established pursuant to subsection (a) of this section unless and until he finds that authorized officials of the Tribe have executed appropriate documents relinquishing all claims to the extent provided by sections 1753 and 1759 of this title, including stipulations to the final judicial dismissal with prejudice of its claims.
(e) Authorization of appropriation
There is authorized to be appropriated $900,000 to be deposited in the Fund.