Acceptance by Secretary
The Secretary shall accept the conveyance of the lands described in subsection (c) of this section, and the Outer Hylebos tidelands property referred to in section VIII, A,1,c of the Settlement Agreement, subject to the terms and conditions of the Settlement Agreement and shall hold such lands in trust for the benefit of the Tribe.
Contamination audits and cleanup of settlement lands shall be carried out in accordance with the Settlement Agreement and document 1 of the Technical Documents.
The Tribe shall not be liable for the cleanup costs or in any other manner for contamination on properties described in subsection (c) of this section except any contamination caused by the Tribe’s activities after conveyance of these properties to the Tribe under the terms of the Settlement Agreement and document 1 of the Technical Documents.
Lands described
The lands referred to in subsection (a) of this section, and more particularly described in the Settlement Agreement, are as follows:
The Blair Waterway property, comprised of approximately 43.4 acres.
The Blair Backup property, comprised of approximately 85.2 acres.
The Inner Hylebos property, comprised of approximately 72.9 acres.
The Upper Hylebos property, comprised of approximately 5.9 acres.
The Union Pacific property (Fife), comprised of a parcel of approximately 57 acres, and an adjoining 22-acre parcel if the option relating to the Union Pacific property (Fife) (as described in document 1 of the Technical Documents) is exercised.
The Torre property (Fife), comprised of approximately 27.4 acres, unless the Port elects to provide the cash value of such property.
The Taylor Way and East-West Road properties, two properties totaling approximately 7.4 acres.
The submerged lands in the Puyallup River within the 1873 Survey Area below the mean high water line, as provided in section I. B. of the Settlement Agreement. To the extent that the United States has title to any of the lands described in this subpart, then such lands shall be held by the United States in trust for the use and benefit of the Puyallup Tribe.
The approximately 600 acres of open space, forest, and cultural lands to be acquired by the Tribe with cash received pursuant to section I of the Settlement Agreement or other tribal funds.
Reservation status
Nothing in this subchapter is intended to affect the boundaries of the Puyallup Reservation, except that the lands described in subsection (c) of this section above in paragraphs (1) through (8), and the Outer Hylebos tidelands property referred to in section VIII of the Settlement Agreement, shall have on-reservation status.
Authorization of appropriations
There is authorized to be appropriated $500,000 for the Federal share for the purchase of the lands referred to in subsection (c)(9) of this section.