In general
The Attorney General may award grants and provide technical assistance to Indian tribes to enable such tribes to carry out programs to support—
the development, enhancement, and continuing operation of tribal justice systems; and
the development and implementation of—
tribal codes and sentencing guidelines;
inter-tribal courts and appellate systems;
tribal probation services, diversion programs, and alternative sentencing provisions;
tribal juvenile services and multi-disciplinary protocols for child physical and sexual abuse; and
traditional tribal judicial practices, traditional tribal justice systems, and traditional methods of dispute resolution.
In carrying out this section, the Attorney General may consult with the Office of Tribal Justice and any other appropriate tribal or Federal officials.
The Attorney General may promulgate such regulations and guidelines as may be necessary to carry out this subchapter.
Authorization of appropriations
For purposes of carrying out the activities under this section, there are authorized to be appropriated such sums as are necessary for fiscal years 2000 through 2004.