§ 3562. Disposition of recovered funds
Availability of Funds for Recovery Audits and Activities Program.—
Funds collected under a program carried out by an executive agency under section
3561 of this title shall be available to the executive agency for the following purposes:
To reimburse the actual expenses incurred by the executive agency in the administration of the program.
To pay contractors for services under the program in accordance with the guidance issued under section
(c)(5) of this title.
Funds Not Used for Program.—
Any amounts erroneously paid by an executive agency that are recovered under such a program of an executive agency and are not used to reimburse expenses or pay contractors under subsection (a)—
shall be credited to the appropriations from which the erroneous payments were made, shall be merged with other amounts in those appropriations, and shall be available for the purposes and period for which such appropriations are available; or
if no such appropriation remains available, shall be deposited in the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts.
Priority of Other Authorized Dispositions.—
Notwithstanding subsection (b), the authority under such subsection may not be exercised to use, credit, or deposit funds collected under such a program as provided in that subsection to the extent that any other provision of law requires or authorizes the crediting of such funds to a nonappropriated fund instrumentality, revolving fund, working-capital fund, trust fund, or other fund or account.