Authority and functions of agency Chief Acquisition Officers
The functions of each Chief Acquisition Officer shall include—
monitoring the performance of acquisition activities and acquisition programs of the executive agency, evaluating the performance of those programs on the basis of applicable performance measurements, and advising the head of the executive agency regarding the appropriate business strategy to achieve the mission of the executive agency;
increasing the use of full and open competition in the acquisition of property and services by the executive agency by establishing policies, procedures, and practices that ensure that the executive agency receives a sufficient number of sealed bids or competitive proposals from responsible sources to fulfill the Government’s requirements (including performance and delivery schedules) at the lowest cost or best value considering the nature of the property or service procured;
increasing appropriate use of performance-based contracting and performance specifications;
making acquisition decisions consistent with all applicable laws and establishing clear lines of authority, accountability, and responsibility for acquisition decisionmaking within the executive agency;
managing the direction of acquisition policy for the executive agency, including implementation of the unique acquisition policies, regulations, and standards of the executive agency;
developing and maintaining an acquisition career management program in the executive agency to ensure that there is an adequate professional workforce; and
as part of the strategic planning and performance evaluation process required under section
306 of title
5 and sections
1116, and
9703 of title
assessing the requirements established for agency personnel regarding knowledge and skill in acquisition resources management and the adequacy of such requirements for facilitating the achievement of the performance goals established for acquisition management;
in order to rectify any deficiency in meeting such requirements, developing strategies and specific plans for hiring, training, and professional development; and
reporting to the head of the executive agency on the progress made in improving acquisition management capability.