Consultation with affected States, subdivisions of States, and tribes
In addition to entering into negotiations under subsection (a) of this section, the Negotiator shall consult with any State, affected unit of local government, or any Indian tribe that the Negotiator determines may be affected by the siting of a repository or monitored retrievable storage facility and may include in any proposed agreement such terms and conditions relating to the interest of such States, affected units of local government, or Indian tribes as the Negotiator determines to be reasonable and appropriate.
Consultation with other Federal agencies
The Negotiator may solicit and consider the comments of the Secretary, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, or any other Federal agency on the suitability of any potential site for site characterization. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to require the Secretary, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, or any other Federal agency to make a finding that any such site is suitable for site characterization.