If in its judgment training is not adequately provided for under grant-in-aid or other statutes, the Office is authorized to make grants to State and general local governments for up to 75 per centum (or, with respect to fiscal years commencing after the expiration of three years following the effective date of the grant provisions of this chapter, for up to 50 per centum) of the costs of developing and carrying out programs, on the certification of the Governor of that State, or the mayor or chief executive officer of the general local government, that the programs are consistent with the applicable principles set forth in clauses (1)–(6) of the third paragraph of section
4701 of this title, to train and educate their professional, administrative, and technical employees and officials. Such grants may not be used to cover costs of full-time graduate-level study, provided for in section
4745 of this title, or the costs of the construction or acquisition of training facilities. The State and local government share of the cost of developing and carrying out training and education plans and programs may include, but shall not consist solely of, the reasonable value of facilities and of supervisory and other personal services made available by such governments. The authority provided by this section shall be employed in such a manner as to encourage innovation and allow for diversity on the part of State and local governments in developing and carrying out training and education programs for their personnel.