Nuclear waste management responsibilities, including—
the establishment of control over existing Government facilities for the treatment and storage of nuclear wastes, including all containers, casks, buildings, vehicles, equipment, and all other materials associated with such facilities;
the establishment of control over all existing nuclear waste in the possession or control of the Government and all commercial nuclear waste presently stored on other than the site of a licensed nuclear power electric generating facility, except that nothing in this paragraph shall alter or effect title to such waste;
the establishment of temporary and permanent facilities for storage, management, and ultimate disposal of nuclear wastes;
the establishment of facilities for the treatment of nuclear wastes;
the establishment of programs for the treatment, management, storage, and disposal of nuclear wastes;
the establishment of fees or user charges for nuclear waste treatment or storage facilities, including fees to be charged Government agencies; and
the promulgation of such rules and regulations to implement the authority described in this paragraph,
except that nothing in this section shall be construed as granting to the Department regulatory functions presently within the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, or any additional functions than those already conferred by law.