Where it is necessary to provide housing under this subchapter in locations where, in the determination of the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, there appears to be no need for such housing beyond the period during which it is needed for housing persons engaged in national defense activities, the provisions of section
1591a of this title shall not be applicable and temporary housing which is of a mobile or portable character or which is otherwise constructed so as to be available for reuse at other locations or existing housing built or acquired by the United States under authority of any other law shall be provided. Any temporary housing constructed or acquired under this subchapter which the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development determines to be no longer needed for use under this subchapter shall, unless transferred to the Department of Defense pursuant to section
1592e of this title, or reported as excess to the Administrator of the General Services Administration pursuant to the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended, be sold as soon as practicable to the highest responsible bidder after public advertising, except that if one or more of such bidders is a veteran purchasing a dwelling unit for his own occupancy the sale of such unit shall be made to the highest responsible bidder who is a veteran so purchasing: Provided, That the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development may reject any bid for less than two-thirds of the appraised value as determined by him: Provided further, That the housing may be sold at fair value (as determined by the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development) to a public body for public use: And provided further, That the housing structures shall be sold for removal from the site, except that they may be sold for use on the site if the governing body of the locality has adopted a resolution approving use of such structures on the site.