There is authorized to be appropriated in each fiscal year for payments under this subchapter, in addition to amounts appropriated for distribution to all the States in accordance with section
8623 of this title (other than subsection (e) of such section), $600,000,000 to meet the additional home energy assistance needs of one or more States arising from a natural disaster or other emergency. Funds appropriated pursuant to this subsection are hereby designated to be emergency requirements pursuant to section 251(b)(2)(D) of the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act of 1985 [
2 U.S.C.
(b)(2)(D)], except that such funds shall be made available only after the submission to Congress of a formal budget request by the President (for all or a part of the appropriation pursuant to this subsection) that includes a designation of the amount requested as an emergency requirement as defined in such Act [
2 U.S.C.
900 et seq.].