§ 50105. Studies and cooperation relating to the construction of vessels
Relative Costs and New Designs.—
The Secretary of Transportation shall investigate, determine, and keep current records of—
the relative cost of construction of comparable vessels in the United States and in foreign countries; and
new designs, new methods of construction, and new types of equipment for vessels.
Rules, Classifications, and Ratings.—
The Secretary shall examine the rules under which vessels are constructed abroad and in the United States and the methods of classifying and rating the vessels.
Collaboration With Owners and Builders.—
The Secretary shall collaborate with vessel owners and shipbuilders in developing plans for the economical construction of vessels and their propelling machinery, of most modern economical types, giving thorough consideration to all well-recognized means of propulsion and taking into account the benefits from standardized production where practicable and desirable.
Express-Liner and Super-Liner Vessels.—
The Secretary shall study and cooperate with vessel owners in devising means by which there may be constructed, by or with the aid of the United States Government, express-liner or super-liner vessels comparable to those of other nations, especially with a view to their use in a national emergency, and the use of transoceanic aircraft service in connection with or in lieu of those vessels.