There is in the Treasury of the United States an Employees Health Benefits Fund which is administered by the Office of Personnel Management. The contributions of enrollees and the Government described by section
8906 of this title shall be paid into the Fund. The Fund is available—
without fiscal year limitation for all payments to approved health benefits plans; and
to pay expenses for administering this chapter within the limitations that may be specified annually by Congress.
Payments from the Fund to a plan participating in a letter-of-credit arrangement under this chapter shall, in connection with any payment or reimbursement to be made by such plan for a health service or supply, be made, to the maximum extent practicable, on a checks-presented basis (as defined under regulations of the Department of the Treasury).
Portions of the contributions made by enrollees and the Government shall be regularly set aside in the Fund as follows:
A percentage, not to exceed 1 percent of all contributions, determined by the Office to be reasonably adequate to pay the administrative expenses made available by subsection (a) of this section.
For each health benefits plan, a percentage, not to exceed 3 percent of the contributions toward the plan, determined by the Office to be reasonably adequate to provide a contingency reserve.
The Office, from time to time and in amounts it considers appropriate, may transfer unused funds for administrative expenses to the contingency reserves of the plans then under contract with the Office. When funds are so transferred, each contingency reserve shall be credited in proportion to the total amount of the subscription charges paid and accrued to the plan for the contract term immediately before the contract term in which the transfer is made. The income derived from dividends, rate adjustments, or other refunds made by a plan shall be credited to its contingency reserve. The contingency reserves may be used to defray increases in future rates, or may be applied to reduce the contributions of enrollees and the Government to, or to increase the benefits provided by, the plan from which the reserves are derived, as the Office from time to time shall determine.