Contents of reports
A report required under subsection (a) or (b) shall be based on compliance with all applicable provisions of law, permits, regulations, orders, and agreements, and shall—
provide the estimated total cost of, and the complete schedule for, the activities and projects covered by the report;
with respect to each such activity and project, contain—
a description of the activity or project;
a description of the problem addressed by the activity or project;
the proposed remediation of the problem, if the remediation is known or decided;
the estimated cost to complete the activity or project, including, where appropriate, the cost for every five-year increment;
the estimated date for completion of the activity or project, including, where appropriate, progress milestones for every five-year increment; and
a description of the personnel and facilities required to complete the activity or project; and
contain a description of the research and development necessary to develop the technology to conduct the activities and projects covered by the report.
Compliance tracking
In preparing a report under this section, the Secretary of Energy shall provide, with respect to each activity and project identified in the report, information which is sufficient to track the Department of Energy’s compliance with relevant Federal and State regulatory milestones.