In general
The Under Secretary for Management shall serve as the Chief Management Officer and principal advisor to the Secretary on matters related to the management of the Department, including management integration and transformation in support of homeland security operations and programs. The Secretary, acting through the Under Secretary for Management, shall be responsible for the management and administration of the Department, including the following:
The budget, appropriations, expenditures of funds, accounting, and finance.
Human resources and personnel.
Information technology and communications systems.
Facilities, property, equipment, and other material resources.
Security for personnel, information technology and communications systems, facilities, property, equipment, and other material resources.
Strategic management planning and annual performance planning and identification and tracking of performance measures relating to the responsibilities of the Department.
Grants and other assistance management programs.
The management integration and transformation process, as well as the transition process, to ensure an efficient and orderly consolidation of functions and personnel in the Department and transition, including—
the development of a management integration strategy for the Department, and
before December 1 of any year in which a Presidential election is held, the development of a transition and succession plan, to be made available to the incoming Secretary and Under Secretary for Management, to guide the transition of management functions to a new Administration.
The conduct of internal audits and management analyses of the programs and activities of the Department.
Any other management duties that the Secretary may designate.
In general
In addition to the responsibilities described in subsection (a) of this section, the Under Secretary for Management shall be responsible for the following:
Maintenance of all immigration statistical information of the Bureau of Border Security and the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services. Such statistical information shall include information and statistics of the type contained in the publication entitled “Statistical Yearbook of the Immigration and Naturalization Service” prepared by the Immigration and Naturalization Service (as in effect immediately before the date on which the transfer of functions specified under section
251 of this title takes effect), including region-by-region statistics on the aggregate number of applications and petitions filed by an alien (or filed on behalf of an alien) and denied by such bureau, and the reasons for such denials, disaggregated by category of denial and application or petition type.
Establishment of standards of reliability and validity for immigration statistics collected by such bureaus.
Transfer of functions
In accordance with subchapter XII of this chapter, there shall be transferred to the Under Secretary for Management all functions performed immediately before such transfer occurs by the Statistics Branch of the Office of Policy and Planning of the Immigration and Naturalization Service with respect to the following programs:
The Border Patrol program.
The detention and removal program.
The intelligence program.
The investigations program.
The inspections program.
Adjudication of immigrant visa petitions.
Adjudication of naturalization petitions.
Adjudication of asylum and refugee applications.
Adjudications performed at service centers.
All other adjudications performed by the Immigration and Naturalization Service.