In general
All loans under this subchapter shall be repayable at such times as the Secretary may determine, taking into account the purposes of the loan and the nature and effect of the disaster, but not later than as provided for loans for similar purposes under subchapters I and II of this chapter, and upon the full personal liability of the borrower and upon the best security available, as the Secretary may prescribe: Provided, That the security is adequate to assure repayment of the loans, except that if such security is not available because of the disaster, the Secretary shall
accept as security such collateral as is available, a portion or all of which may have depreciated in value due to the disaster and which in the opinion of the Secretary, together with the Secretary’s confidence in the repayment ability of the applicant, is adequate security for the loan, and
make such loan repayable at such times as the Secretary may determine, not later than as provided under subchapters I and II of this chapter, as justified by the needs of the applicant: Provided further, That for any disaster occurring after January 1, 1975, the Secretary, if the loan is for a purpose described in subchapter II of this chapter, may make the loan repayable at the end of a period of more than seven years, but not more than twenty years, if the Secretary determines that the need of the loan applicant justifies such a longer repayment period: Provided further, That for any direct or insured loan (other than a guaranteed loan) approved under section
(b) of this title, three years after the loan is made or insured, and every two years thereafter for the term of the loan, the Secretary shall review the loan; and if, based on such review, the Secretary determines that the borrower is able to obtain a loan from non-Federal sources at reasonable rates and terms for loans for similar purposes and periods of time, the borrower shall on request by the Secretary, apply for and accept such non-Federal loan in sufficient amount to repay the Secretary. If farm assets (including land, livestock, and equipment) are used as collateral to secure a loan made under this subchapter, the Secretary shall establish the value of the assets as of the day before the occurrence of the natural disaster, major disaster, or emergency that is the basis for a request for assistance under this subchapter or the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act (42 U.S.C. 5121 et seq.).