The purposes of federally supported agricultural research, extension, and education are to—
enhance the competitiveness of the United States agriculture and food industry in an increasingly competitive world environment;
increase the long-term productivity of the United States agriculture and food industry while maintaining and enhancing the natural resource base on which rural America and the United States agricultural economy depend;
develop new uses and new products for agricultural commodities, such as alternative fuels, and develop new crops;
support agricultural research and extension to promote economic opportunity in rural communities and to meet the increasing demand for information and technology transfer throughout the United States agriculture industry;
improve risk management in the United States agriculture industry;
improve the safe production and processing of, and adding of value to, United States food and fiber resources using methods that maintain the balance between yield and environmental soundness;
support higher education in agriculture to give the next generation of Americans the knowledge, technology, and applications necessary to enhance the competitiveness of United States agriculture; and
maintain an adequate, nutritious, and safe supply of food to meet human nutritional needs and requirements.