Pub. L. 95–113, title XIV, § 1459, Sept. 29, 1977,
91 Stat. 1016, required Secretary of Agriculture to transmit to Congress, not later than March 31, 1979, an evaluation of economic and social consequences of programs of Extension Service and cooperative extension services.
Pub. L. 95–113, title XIV, § 1460, Sept. 29, 1977,
91 Stat. 1016, required Secretary to conduct a comprehensive study of effects of changing climate and weather on crop and livestock productivity and submit a report, with recommendations, to President and Congress within twelve months after Sept. 29, 1977.
Pub. L. 95–113, title XIV, § 1461, Sept. 29, 1977,
91 Stat. 1016, required Secretary to conduct, and, within twelve months after September 29, 1977, submit to President and Congress a report containing results of and Secretary’s recommendations concerning an investigation and analysis of practicability, desirability, and feasibility of collecting organic waste materials.
Pub. L. 95–113, title XIV, § 1462, Sept. 29, 1977,
91 Stat. 1017, required Secretary to conduct a comprehensive study of status and future needs of agricultural research facilities and, within fourteen months after September 29, 1977, submit to President and Congress a report on this study, with recommendations.